Tag Archives: trade unions

Is the NUS worth saving?

It sounds almost farcical: why would the leadership of the National Union of Students try to abolish democracy in its own organisation? CS member Tina Becker reports Let’s be honest. Most students don’t really know what the NUS is, let alone what it does or how it operates. And who can blame them? Currently, it is ...

Fight for NUS democracy

Will the left pull together to defeat the NUS bureaucracy in its attempt to abolish the last vestiges of democracy in the student ‘union’? Communist Students member Tina Becker reports What looked like a slightly dull conference organised by Education not for Sale on October 21 suddenly sparked up when a small delegation from the Socialist ...

Different Names, Same Family!

by Eric Lee, Source www.labourstart.org In unions in different countries, we call each other by different names. Some unions use the word 'comrade', others use 'colleague'. And many use the terms 'brother' and 'sister' to describe fellow union members. Are we simply using these words because we always have, or do they still have any real ...

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