Tag Archives: manchester metropolitan university

Occupation at University of Manchester

Report by Alfred Stevens Around 80 students occupied of a lecture theatre in the University of Manchester's Roscoe building with around half staying overnight. The occupiers come from The University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, workers form UCU and even some students from local colleges  The occupation is in protest against cuts and any rise in ...

“We are the engine for opposition to these cuts” – another view on the student protests in Manchester

Growing resistance

Curtis McLellan from Manchester Labour Students explains why students from schools, colleges and universities marched through the city against the cuts. Over 3,000 people marched in Manchester to protest against the Governments reckless approach to higher education. Who were they? There were students from both the University of Manchester, ...

Youth take the Streets in Manchester

Mark Harrison (CS Exec and The Commune) writes his personal reflection on the protests in Manchester. Fortunately today I slept in and missed my 11am lecture and decided to go to what I expected to be a piddly little demo. What a pleasant surprise awaited me! By 12:30 approximately 3000 people had gathered at the designated ...

Anti-war teach-in: Manchester

Wednesday February 11, 14.00 to 20.30 : Teach-in, Manchester Metropolitan University, Geoffrey Manton Building, Oxford Road, Manchester. Speakers include: Nahella Ahsraf (STWC), Rae Street (CND), Moshé Machover (Hopi). Organised by MMU UCU branch: www.ucu.org.uk http://www.new.facebook.com/events.php#/event.php?eid=48708296305