Tag Archives: Israel-Palestine

Keeping it broad backfires

Less Monty Python, more Fawlty Towers

Laurie Smith reports on Saturday’s ‘student coordination’ event On April 18, around 70 student activists met at University College London for the ‘student coordination’ instigated by Revolution, the youth group of Workers Power. Though 70 people is not bad for a new student left initiative - testament to the impact of the university occupations over Gaza in ...

Nations and rights

Defending democracy and the principle of self-determination, Stan Keable (CPGB) replies to James Turley (CS and CPGB) James Turley, in his contribution to the CPGB’s current debate on Israel-Palestine, quite rightly locates democracy and political freedom as being at the core of the CPGB’s conception of working class advance, and at the core of classical Marxism ...

Carrot and stick

Israelis must be forced to abandon Zionism

James Turley, member of CS and the CPGB, takes issue with other Weekly Worker writers on the question of self-determination and the prospects for Arab unity It became an obvious necessity for the CPGB to tidy up its line on Israel/Palestine as the question of Zionism flowered into a full-scale war between our organisation and the ...

Norman Finkelstein talk at King’s College


Monday 23rd February saw prominent American-Jewish political scientist Norman Finkelstein, author of the highly controversial 'The Holocaust Industry', speak at King’s College London. The talk was well attended and received. Despite being entitled ‘The Misuse of anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History’, Finkelstein announced his decision to discuss the recent events in Gaza. Given Finkelstein’s ...