Tag Archives: CS Sheffield

Fountains and fireworks

David Sabbagh and Laurie Smith report from the University of Sheffield student union elections, where five members of CS are standing for office Communist Students stood five candidates for the University of Sheffield student union council sabbatical elections, which end this week. They were Ben Lewis, who stood for union president, David Sabbagh (welfare), Laurie Smith ...

Vote communist!

In the student union elections at Sheffield University, Communist Students will be standing five candidates for sabbatical positions and two candidates for the National Union of Students delegate elections. Unlike other left student groups, they will be standing on an openly revolutionary, socialist platform and all Communist Student readers are urged to give them as ...

Standing as a communist

In January of this year, Carey Davies stood on a communist platform for student union president at Sheffield University. He won 78 votes and got a lot of stick for parts of his platform - including from some comrades on the left of the Education Not for Sale campaign. He explains the reasoning behind some ...

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