Iranian students to hold press conference
Behrooz Karimizadeh, one of the prominent leaders of the student movement in Iran, who has recently been released after enduring over four months of imprisonment and torture at the hands of the Iranian security forces; Kaveh Abbasian, the spokesperson for the Freedom and Equality Seeking Students in Iran, who was subjected to months of persecution, are holding a public Press Conference in London. During this Press Conference they will elaborate on the latest political situation in Iran and will answer questions put to them.
This Press Conference is the first public presence of these student activists outside Iran. This is an ample opportunity find out about the latest situation of the student movement in Iran, the clamp downs, arrests and detentions, the conditions inside the Iranian prisons and the latest wave of suppression levelled against other groups and movements, and the prospect of the student movement in Iran.
We invite all concerned organisations and institutions, news media, political parties and those following the political development and the student movement in Iran to attend.
Date and Time: Monday September 29, 2008, 2-4 pm
Venue: Malet Room
University of London Union (ULU)
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HY
لازم به ذکر است که این کنفرانس مطبوعاتی اولین حضور علنی و عمومی این رفقا در خارج از کشور میباشد که طی آن مباحث مربوط به جنبش دانشجویی، بازداشت ها، احضار ها، موج سرکوب جنبش های اجتماعی، شرایط زندانیان سیاسی و آینده ی پیش روی جنبش دانشجویی ایران مطرح خواهد شد .
در پایان از تمامی نهاد ها، سازمان ها، خبرگزاری ها، احزاب، گروه های سیاسی و تمامی علاقه مندان به مباحث سیاسی و بالاخص دانشجویی ایران دعوت میشود که در این کنفرانس مطبوعاتی حضور به هم رسانند .
تاریخ برگزاری کنفرانس : 29 سپتامبر 2008 ساعت 2 بعدازظهر
محل برگزاری کنفرانس:
Malet Room
University of London Union – ULU
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HY