CS dayschool 4th Dec, London
Communist Students are holding a dayschool on the 4th of December to discuss the pressing issues facing the student movement and the perspectives and strategy of our own organisation. The school is open to all, not just members of CS, and there will be plenty of time for questions and debate after a short introduction. There will be two sessions, detailed below. Click to download a PDF leaflet advertising the event.
1. Fighting the cuts: Communists in the student movement today
With the further narrowing of student politics to the lowest possible common denominator and ‘the broadest possible unity’ against the cuts, how are we going to put forward our politics in the fight for a mass communist student movement? What is our relationship to forces like the NUS, local sabbatical officers and groups like Labour students? What about the ‘broad front’ groups like EAN, NCAFC and Progressive Students?
2. The communist vision of education
Particularly when we are under attack, we have to constantly raise to the fore our alternative. We have to be clear that there was no ‘golden age’ of capitalist education (even when it was free) and that, as such, it is Keynesian/social democratic folly to suggest that there was. We need to put across our own vision of what education could look like.
12 – 5pm @ the College Arms
18 Store St, London, WC1E 7DH
For more information call 07792 282 830
or email info@communiststudents.org.uk
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