Manchester Reading Group
After making the mistake last year of attempting to read Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks, this year we have decided to start the year by reading From Class Society to Communism: An Introduction to Marxism by the legendary Belgian Trotskyist Ernest Mandel. The book appears to be a readable introduction to the ideas of communism and we shall be discussing two chapters each fortnight.
If you would like to attend, please try to read and print off Chapter 1: Social Inequality and Social Struggle Throughout History and Chapter 2: The Economic Sources of Social Inequality. If you can’t print off a hard copy, contact us and we will try to supply you with one.
We shall be meeting in Meeting Room 2 or 3 (on the top floor of the University of Manchester Student’s Union). On Tuesday the 12th of October at 6pm, hope to see you there!
You might consider inviting someone from the ICFI at some stage to discuss their views of Ernest Mandel . It would at least be interesting .
Rumbleguts, members of the ICFI are always welcome at our meetings.
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