CS Newsletter 22nd December 2013
This email newsletter was sent to CS contacts gathered over the last year. If you would like to receive future mailshots, you can subscribe here.
Dear comrade,
We are writing to you as you have expressed an interest in our organisation, Communist Students. CS is an autonomous Marxist organisation that aims to promote the ideas of Communism amongst students of all ages and strives to provide a space where students can debate theory and develop themselves intellectually. Whilst the study of theory is paramount to being a communist, we also recognise the importance of action and hence push ourselves to be involved in as many struggles and campaigns as possible.
Unlike the majority of the student left we reject the notion that students cannot comprehend communist theory and should hence be channelled into mindless activism. We are unapologetically Marxist and we refuse to water down, or hide, our politics in an opportunistic bid to attract large swathes of students to our movement. If large swathes of students do join our organisation then it will be because we have won them round to our politics through discussion and debate, not because we have covered up our politics as if we are ashamed of them.
It is an exciting time to be involved with Communist Students and on 26th of January we would like to invite you to our 2013 conference in London. Please get in touch for more details. Below is a list of what we have done over the past year and what we will do next year.
In the past year Communist Students have successfully:
- Intervened in the national demonstration outside the Conservative Party conference in Manchester.
- Played an active role in the successful campaign to halt the privatisation of the University of Central Lancashire.
- Shown physical solidarity for student occupations in Birmingham and London.
- Stood candidates in various Student Union elections.
- Intervened in the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC) national conference.
- Formed a new local branch in Preston.
- Put our politics forward at the Left Unity Founding Conference (see here and here).
- Maintained a dynamic website with relevant and interesting content: take a look at communiststudents.org.uk
Next year Communist Students will:
- Campaign for Student Unions to affiliate to the Anti-War organisation Hands Off the People of Iran (HOPI).
- Stand in the National Union of Students executive elections (NUS).
- Propose a motion to the NUS national conference calling for the NUS to affiliate to HOPI.
- Form new local branches.
- Increase our intervention in both NCAFC and Left Unity.
- Organise for HOPI chair, and exiled Iranian Socialist, Yassamine Mather to speak at University/College campuses.
- Increase our membership.
- Participate in upcoming demonstrations, struggles, and occupations.
- Continue running our webpage whilst adding fresh material and resources for students and supporters to engage with.
We are confident we will achieve all of the goals stated above, however imagine how much more we could achieve with your support. If you want to be involved with an organisation that relentlessly drives towards a transformation of our society and can accept (not the same as ‘agree with every dot and comma of’) our core principles then we urge you to join us in order to build a stronger and more robust Marxist current within the student movement. If you do not wish to join our organisation but would like to help us financially with a one off donation, or standing order, here are our bank account details- Account Number: 65285271, Sort Code: 08-92-99.
Please get in touch with us on info@communiststudents.org.uk or call Robert on 07717 433 432
Happy holidays, and towards a revolutionary 2014!
Communist Students